Our Curriculum

Please click on the boxes below to find out more about our curriculum.

If you require any more information regarding the curriculum at Wood Green School, please contact Mr Goddard via email.

Wood Green School - Curriculum Statement 


The Year 7 curriculum is:

English 3½ hours
Mathematics 3 hours
Science 3 hours
Art & Design; Art, Graphics & Textiles, taught in rotation 1½ hours
Computing 1 hour
Design Technology & Wellbeing, taught in rotation ½ hour
Personal Development ½ hour
PE 2 hours
RE 1 hour
French 1 hour
German 1 hour
Literacy for some students instead of Languages 3 hours
Academic Enrichment for most students 1 hour
History 1½ hours
Geography 1½ hours
Drama 1 hour
Music 1 hour

All lessons apart from Mathematics and PE are taught in tutor groups.

Mathematics set across each set of four tutor groups based on KS2 SATs and/or internal assessments.

Some students, instead of having Languages lessons, have timetabled Fresh Start Plus lessons to develop the skills of reading, writing, and speaking and listening for three hours each week.

Students who study Languages also have one hour each week on our Academic Enrichment Programme which is devoted to research, debating and academic writing.


The Year 8 curriculum is:

English 3 hours
Mathematics 3 hours
Science 3 hours
Art & Design; Art, Graphics & Textiles, taught in rotation 1½ hours
Computing 1 hour
Design Technology & Wellbeing, taught in rotation ½ hour
Personal Development 1 hour
PE 2 hours
RE 1 hour
French 1½ hours
German 1½ hours
History 1½ hours
Geography 1½ hours
Drama 1 hour
Music 1 hour

Students are no longer taught in tutor groups as they were in Year 7. All subjects except mathematics and physical education are taught in mixed ability groups.

Some students continue with literacy support in our 'Catapult English' programme.


The Year 9 curriculum is:

English 3 hours
Mathematics 3 hours
Science 3 hours
Art & Design. 2 subjects are studied from; Design Technology, Graphic Communications, Fine Art and Textiles 4 hours
Geography 1½ hours
Drama 1 hour
Personal Development ½ hour
PE 2 hours
RE 1 hour
French or German (chosen at the end of year 8) 5 hours
Music 1 hour
History 1½ hours

All subjects except mathematics and physical education are taught in mixed ability groups.

YEAR 10 & 11

The Year 10 & 11 curriculum is:

English 4 hours
Mathematics 3½ hours

Private Study/Study Skills lessons

Extra English lesson

4½ hours

1 hour

Separate Sciences (Biology, Chemistry and Physics)

Includes Wednesday Period 5
7 hours
PE 1½ hours
Three Option subjects 3 hours each
Personal Development ½ hour

English, Mathematics and Science set across the whole year group.

English lessons comprise of; English Language and English Literature.

Option subjects are taught in mixed ability groups.

YEARS 12 & 13

Most students in the Sixth Form take all their A level subjects at Wood Green. However, there is the option to take one course offered by Henry Box or a Level 3 Vocational Course at Abingdon & Witney College. The combination of A level subjects offered by the two schools is called the Witney Grid. The two schools have similar timetables to allow a wider choice of subjects.

Students who choose the A Level Pathway study 3 or 4 A Level courses of their choice, and the AQA Extended Project Qualification.

Students also have the opportunity to re-sit GCSE in English and Maths during the course of Year 12 if they did not achieve a Grade 4 or 5.

Students also need to meet the specific entrance requirements for each subject.

Please see the Y12 prospectus for subjects offered across the 6th form partnership.

In Year 13 students continue to study their subjects from Year 12.

Updated September 2021


The curriculum at Wood Green School complies with our duties under the Equalities Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014. For more detail, please follow the link below.

Acer Trust Policy Statement on Equality & Special Educational Needs and Disability



Remote Education will be used in specific circumstances, in accordance with the DfE Guidance for Remote Education. It will only be implemented following discussion with the school. All contact regarding remote education should be referred to Mr Goddard.