Lunchtime Arrangements


Students staying in school are not allowed to leave the premises during the lunch break.  However, should you wish your child to leave school for any reason, please write to the tutor informing him/her of this.  Your child should then sign the book in Student Reception as he or she leaves and again on return.

The school restaurantIs open every day from 12:15pm to 12:50pm for years 7, 9 and 11. And is again open from 13:15 to1:50pm for years 8, 10 and sixth form. The main courses are cooked in-house and a range of sandwiches, baguettes and snacks are available.

Free school mealsare available if you are on Income Support or other benefits.  Please enquire at the school Finance Office for a letter explaining how to apply for this.

Snacks are available for those students who do not wish to have a full school meal. 

Sandwiches - eating areas are made available for students bringing sandwiches.  Year 7 students can eat their lunch in the hall.  Staff are on duty to oversee these areas.

It is the responsibility of students who stay at school for lunch to keep the dining areas in a tidy state.

updated May 2024