Achievement Centre

The Achievement Centre is a base for 20 students identified with Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD) as their primary need on their EHCP by the Oxfordshire SEND service.

The students enjoy 70% of their learning in the base and also join mainstream lessons in some areas. The base is popular with parents as a safe place for students to gain specialist help within a mainstream school.
Students with moderate learning difficulties are likely to need significant additional support to access the curriculum, or may benefit from adapted lessons using a multi-sensory curriculum and allowing for a slower pace of learning. They may also require over-learning, as they are likely to have a poor working memory. They may also have communication needs, and may present as emotionally younger than their chronological age. This can sometimes result in them presenting with challenging behaviour due to being unable to communicate their needs or emotions.

However not all students with a moderate learning difficulty will exhibit all these signs.
Each student will display different signs and symptoms to varying degrees.
All Achievement Centre students are enrolled as students of Wood Green School and are integrated into school life and into their year group classes which is vital for social development alongside their peers.
We aim for all our students to be supported, valued and nurtured in order to flourish whilst at Wood Green School. We will facilitate students in finding their own path to a remarkable life and to ensure that children with MLD are an integral part of our family and community.

We have a flexible, student-centred approach to education where we incorporate a variety of approaches to learning and we meet the needs of the individual students. By adapting lessons, we endeavour to embed opportunities to achieve individual targets throughout the curriculum and through personalised learning with additional opportunities during intervention activities.

We welcome visits to the Achievement Centre by students, families and SENDCos.

We hope this gives you a flavour of the ethos of our Centre.

Please do contact us if we can help in any way.

Leigh-Amanda Seedhouse Achievement Centre Manager