
As a school we feel that uniform is important as it helps young people with their feeling of belonging to our Wood Green community. In setting our uniform code, we hold the following principles at the centre of our thinking.

  1. Our uniform is inclusive – our uniform will not discriminate on the grounds of any of the nine protected characteristics.
  2. Our uniform is affordable – young people should be free from the pressures of having to wear designer labels at school and parents should be free from having to buy them. Branded items will be carefully chosen and kept to a minimum, and we will always ensure that our supplier provides best value for money.
  3. Our uniform is smart – we want students to come to school in smart looking uniform so that they are in the mind-set that Wood Green is a place to work hard and succeed. Leisure wear such as jeans, trainers or hoodies are not appropriate for the hard-working environment Wood Green is.

We are always happy to discuss our uniform approach, but also recognise that conflict over uniform can be distracting and distressing. In creating our uniform code, we have consulted with students, parents, governors and staff.

The following guides, which all students are expected to adhere to, gives detailed information about all other aspects of our uniform.

School Uniform Code and GuidancePE Kit Uniform Guidance School Uniform


Our uniform is produced by Sportswear International (SWI) and is available to order online. You can order anytime online via the link below and arrange delivery to your home or workplace.

You can place orders using debit/credit cards or continue to pay via cheque if ordered by post. Order forms will be available to download from the SWI website or to collect from school reception (term time only). 

The last date for ordering uniform for delivery before the start of term is Thursday 1st August 2024.

Register and Login to Sportswear International (SWI)

SWI Parent Guide 

SWI Price List 2024


Support may be available for families with financial needs. Please put your request in writing and email the: 


Traditional Ties and Clip Ties can be purchased via ParentPay and collected from Wood Green School Office.  


We do have a small stock of previously owned school uniform to pass on. If this is of interest to you please:

Call the Reception Team 

If you have any uniform, revision books or other school related items that may be of use to others, please do hand these into reception and we will ensure they are used to support other students.

Updated: Dec 2024