
The school library is open at break & lunch time and hosts after school homework club for all students.

It has a wide range of books and resources available, as well as opportunities to get involved in lunchtime clubs, as student librarians or in book groups.


Accelerated Reader (Year 7 & 8)

Students in years 7 & 8, have a daily 20mins of reading so should always have a book in their bag. They can visit the library at any time to borrow a book. They also take part in fortnightly library lessons and are encouraged to participate in our accelerated reader programme. For every book they finish they can take a quiz to determine accuracy and understanding; every word counts towards becoming a word millionaire and winning the form trophy!

Students can access accelerated reader in school or from home by clicking on the link below. 
User name for the name Joe Smith would be: jsmith. We have asked students to set the same password as they would to login in to the school system. If they are having any problems, please visit the school library for assistance.

Accelerated Reader Log In

If parents/carers would like to know more about accelerated reader then please visit the link below for a full guide to accelerated reader.

Acclerated Reader - Parents Guide

Parents/carers are able to view their child's progress in accelerated reader.
If you would like a log in please send an email to: 


In the school library we use library management software Libresoft, students can access from home and school to see what books we have in stock, the staus of their loans and to write book reviews.
All students and staff can log onto their account from school or home by using their micosoft school login.


We are constantly updating our collection of books and students are welcome to request books they would like to read or recommend books they have enjoyed.  

Please email us if you have any queries regarding the library or would like to request a book. 



Wood Green School has an archive of physical copies of the school's history, slowly with help from volunteers we are digitising this information and making it available for people to view.

Our first step is going through the year books, scanning them and making them available online.

Check back as we update this page!

Year Book 2009