
The Full Governing Body (FGB) for Wood Green School meets six times each year together with the Headteacher and other members of the Senior Leadership Team (SLT). We also meet in sub-committees to scrutinise different aspects of the school and its community in more detail. Our role is to gain assurances in respect of the management and organisation of the school, and monitor progress against the School Development Plan (SDP).

The work of the Governors involves challenging as well as supporting the SLT, and we are all totally committed to ensuring Wood Green School becomes an Outstanding school, widely recognised for excellence in teaching and for enabling all pupils to achieve their aspirations and goals.

We have established Link Governors who visit school to focus on monitoring specific aspects of the SDP and statutory requirements and then report back through committees and the FGB. Minutes of our meetings are available on request from the Clerk to the Governors, by emailing

Please click on the links below for more information:

WGS Governors WGS Governing Board Meeting Schedule 2024-25Information about the Role of a School Governor

WGS Governors Pecuniary Interests and Attendance 2024/25

Updated: February 2025