Outcome of Parental Survey May 2024
A survey was sent to all parents to complete via Microsoft Forms. The questions asked were taken from the Ofsted ParentView, and would be the same questions that Ofsted would ask parents. There were 275 respondents (previous year 107). The survey was anonymous; neither name nor even year group was asked for. (This is the same methodology as the Ofsted ParentView.)
The questions asked were:
- My child is happy at this school.
- My child feels safe at this school.
- The school makes sure its students are well behaved.
- My child has been bullied and the school dealt with the bullying quickly and effectively.
- The school makes me aware of what my child will learn during the year.
- When I raised concerns with the school they have been dealt with properly.
- Does your child have special education needs and/or disabilities (SEND)?
- Only answer this question if you said 'Yes' to question 7. My child has SEND, and the school gives them the support they need to succeed.
- The school has high expectations for my child.
- My child does well at this school.
- The school lets me know how my child is doing.
- There is a good range of subjects available to my child at this school.
- My child can take part in clubs and activities at this school.
- The school supports my child's wider personal development.
- I would recommend this school to another parent.
Questions 1, 2, 3, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 required a response of Strongly agree, agree, disagree and strongly disagree.
Summary of Responses
The percentage of those agreeing are a shown in fig 1.
The analysis for other questions showed:
- Qu4: Of the 1275 respondents, % who said their child had not experienced bullying was 69% (2022 70%). Of those who had experienced it, 55% (70%) said that the school had dealt with it quickly and effectively.
- Qu6: Of the 74 respondents, 67% (2022 83%) of those who raised a concern said it had been dealt with properly.
- Qu7 & 8: 59 respondents said that their child had SEND. Of these, 47% (2023 48%) said that their child gets the support they need to succeed
- Qu 15: 85% said that they would recommend this school to another parent

Fig 1: % of positive response
Conclusion and Actions
- Most indicators are slightly lower or in line with 2023. The 85% overall satisfaction question has fallen from last year.
- All subject curriculum details are available on our website but clearly this has not had an impact on parents feeling more aware of what their child does and how well they are progressing. We have a working group including parents looking at assessment in KS3. Communicating with parents about content of lessons and progress is a priority for 2024-25.
- The behaviour and safety measures have fallen slightly. Students tell us this is due to behaviour out of lessons. The two main areas for this are: students using discriminatory language; behaviour in toilets. We are addressing these as follows:
- We have an initiative to create a new procedure for addressing discriminatory language underway. This will ensure that there is a robust and consistent response to all incidents.
- We have a bid in to refurbish toilets with our Trust and we have introduced a ‘Student Treasury’ initiative to encourage better treatment of toilets, which is having an impact. We introduced dedicated toilet areas for younger students. We have new toilets being built as part of new school building.
We will continue to address behaviour across the school in all ways.
- It was positive to see the increase in parents recognising the impact of extra-curricular activities, but disappointing that fewer parents felt we prioritised personal development despite this being a major part of our Wood Green Baccalaureate.
- More students are presenting with Special educational Needs and the resources to support these students have been significantly cut across Oxfordshire. This is reflected in the data on SEND. We are starting a new provision for the most vulnerable students and focussing on inclusive teaching to benefit all students. We also want to ensure that our SEND team responds to communication well and organises support such as exam concessions earlier so that parents know these are in place.
- The number of respondents increased but is still low, despite promoting the survey during parents’ evenings and in communications.
Updated Oct 2024