Congratulations to our Year 11 Students

22nd Aug 2024

Our year 11s received their GCSE and Level 2 BTEC results this week and I am delighted to say that there were some fantastic achievements by our students, reflecting their hard work over the last five years, and the support they have received from staff.

This cohort started Wood Green in 2019, so had their first year here completely disrupted after one term, and then the following year experienced a very unusual version of school. So to come back and achieve the results they did today is so impressive.

The headline results are very much in line with the national picture of returning to pre-pandemic levels. 77% of students entered achieved at least a level 4 in English and 71% in maths. 64% of students achieved at least 5 GCSEs at level 4 and above. We also recognise the situation where a  large number of students across the country, including our school, have faced significant additional challenges and their achievements should be recognised too. We are a school that values both well-qualified and well-rounded students so alongside exam achievements our students achieve so much more, such as contributing to our community through volunteering.

Today though is about celebrating the qualifications: Year 11, you now start your next chapter, many staying with us in our fabulous 6th Form, and many others going to new courses and apprentices at college. As well as your grades, you have so many well-rounded qualities that you have developed at Wood Green that will help you in the future. We are hugely proud of you all.